I'm a Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Teacher with over 12 years professional experience working with schools and colleges throughout Ireland. I'm also a lecturer, supervisor and module moderator for PCI College and teach on their BSc and MSc programmes. In the past I have worked for organisations such as Aware and Barnardos and have been a consultant advisor to other voluntary organisations and schools on bullying incidents.
I deliver needs based training around the topics of Digital Safety/Cyberbullying, Bullying and Mental Health (specifically behavioural addictions and Anxiety).
I believe in supporting students, teachers and parents in areas which make a real difference. I’m a driven and passionate communicator who ensures all training provided is relevant and up to date. Many services do not adequately address issues resulting in gaps in quality service provision. I aim to ensure a service that responds rather than reacts to issues which need attention and/or intervention. I believe this is what makes my services unique and is why the programmes have been so successful.
My most recent training on Digital Safety and Cyberbullying has received multiple endorsements by school principals and community groups nationwide.
For the upcoming school year 2018/19 I will be offering training and support on the topics of:
- Digital Citizenship (Digital Safety and Cyberbullying)
- Bullying
- Mental Health*
- Addiction awareness*
- Parent Supports
- Psychotherapy
As a practicing professional I'm a member of the following bodies; Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), American Psychological Association (APA) Teaching Council of Ireland (TCI) and the Addiction and the Family International Network (AFINeT).
Looking forward to working with you this coming year and please get in touch if you require any further details.
John Wills
(BA Psych; MA; Dip CBT)
E: johngpwills@gmail.com
T: 087 642 9324
*designed for Post-Primary schools. If seeking such workshops for Primary please provide exact details of what your needs are.
Fully Vetted & Insured